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Languages are heterogeneous systems including several registers, such as formal, standard and popular. In this paper we consider the denominations of the winds belonging to these three registers in Catalan, Spanish and French. Assuming the principles of Cognitive Linguistics, the [...]


This study is a general presentation of the phenomenon of linguistic variation, from the point of view both of its empirical reality and of its semiotic, linguistic and socio-pragmatic analysis. We distinguish initially between the interest in research into the invariant form, which [...]


The author presents schools as an overestimated socialization environment, which nowadays has to compete with the media. There is special emphasis on the relatively limited influence of the educational system in the linguistic area, both concerning substitution and normalization processes. [...]


The purpose of this paper is to show how the Catalan spoken in the south Valencian region is reacting to the effects of the linguistic normalization process that was initiated more than ten years ago. Basically, this process concentrated on two areas: on the one hand, education, where [...]


The authors analyze the question of whether there is a mimetic correlation between the conservation of Catalan and the maintenance of a cultural and national identity. They study the self-inclusion, if any, of youths between six and fifteen years of age in national groups -Catalan [...]


The article deals with the different kinds of speakers that emerge when language transmission failure arises between consecutive generations. The case is exemplified through the speech community of the city of Alacant, where we can distinguish four kinds of speakers, from the ones [...]


Carme Miquel reflect upons the role of schools and observes the contradiction between most of the values and attitudes prevailing in present society and those that schools try to transmit. In this context, the author analyzes also the linguistic issue: it is at school where advances [...]


The subject matter of sociolinguistics are the rules or patterns of the functioning of language. But rules and transgressions are complementary facts, and sociolinguists must study both conventional and intentional language use (that is, traditional and meaningful social actions). [...]


After classifying the sociology of language in three paradigms and showing the shortcomings of the terra «linguistic attitude», a comparison is made between linguistic substitution processes and butterfly catastrophes. The similarities found are useful because 1) they provide us [...]


In this article, which first appeared in 1983, some thoughts are given to the status of Catalan since the Spanish political transition into democracy. The purpose is to show how present «important» opinionmakers base themselves on an escapist fantasy which replaces real history, [...]