
In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) provided the first comprehensive report on global ecosystems, the dependence of human societies on the services provided, current state, and likely future trajectory. The MA identified the failure to value ecosystem services [...]


This survey reviews the current state of the economic literature, assessing the impact of transport policies on growth, inclusion, and sustainability in a developing country context. The findings are summarized and methodologies are critically assessed, especially those dealing with [...]


The purpose of this study is to demonstrate several techniques which can be used to evaluate pathways to sustainable growth in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) via infrastructure improvement. Decades of conflict and neglect have left the DRC’s transport infrastructure amongst [...]


Turkey’s demographic and economic transformation has been one of the world’s most dramatic, with urban growth and economic growth proceeding hand in hand. Distinguishing Turkey from many other developing countries has been the pace, [...]


There has been a clear need for energy-efficient (EE) technologies that can be applicable in the municipal street lighting sector. The objective of this manual is to support the preparation and implementation of street lighting projects [...]


Excessive electricity consumption negatively affects the economic growth of developing countries, and is a major cause of carbon emissions throughout the globe. This experiment investigated how the use of energy efficient behavior reminder affects electricity conservation in a [...]


International audience; Rendering the supply chain more carbon-friendly is an innovative idea progressively adopted by industry. Transport accounts for one-fifth of the carbon emissions that are generated on French territory. Among the different transport modes, road transport is [...]


Urban transport technology is about to enter a new phase, one in which there will be less reliance on carbon emissions intensive energy sources such as petroleum based fuels. Australia"s metropolitan planning strategies place their emphasis on public transport, cycling and walking [...]


Fast-growing cities are expected to become a key contributor to the global climate crisis. A key characteristic of those urban districts is the accommodation of mass participant sport events. Sport entities, in collaboration with city governments, plan annually active participation [...]


In modern smart cities, mobility based on Electric Vehicles (EVs) is considered a key factor to reduce carbon emissions and pollution. However, despite the global interest and the investments worldwide, the user acceptance level is still low, mainly due to the lack of charging [...]