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In the last two centuries, human society went through radical changes in the way they communicates. Consequence of constantly technology innovation, adverstising became into a main character inside this invigorated context, where all the audiovisual narratives forms evolve to create [...]


Videogames, televisions, and computers in all their forms, and smartphones, are everywhere to the extent that the time spent in front of a screen by all sectors of society now takes up [...]


A non growing up language is a dead language. Media make oral language rich and adapt themselves to people changing circumstances in order to improve their own language. Media language, enriched by very rapid progress, is essential for social discussion b


Audiovisual language keeps on improving. Images reign, and represent us. Furthermore, the technological development already allows global interactive communication. In this context, educating the sight and the audiovisual writing comes to be the key. “Emotions x Minute” is a workshop [...]


The use of drones to capture images for journalistic purposes is in its infancy. Consequently, there exists a demand for skilled professionals to manage these devices. In this article we provide a snapshot of drone pilots in Spain and also analyze the type of drone content used in [...]