
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are set to become part of everyday air traffic operations perhaps within the next few years; however there are significant challenges that need to be addressed in order to seamlessly introduce UAS into non segregated airspace. This chapter discusses some [...]


Because of the key characteristics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), removal of pilot, UAVs will be highly suited for repetitive, dirty, and dangerous operations. A wide range of civil and military applications are being explored in the community (Clapper et al., 2007). As a result, [...]


International audience To sustain the rapidly increasing air traffic demand, the future air traffic management system will rely on a concept, called Trajectory-Based Operations (TBO), that will require aircraft to follow an assigned 4D trajectory (time-constrained trajectory) with [...]


Today’s air traffic management system is not expected to scale to the projected increase in traffic over the next two decades. Enhancing collaboration between the controllers and the users of the airspace could lessen the impact of the resulting air traffic flow problems. The authors [...]


Civil aviation air traffic undergoes many random disturbances. Air traffic controllers watch the real traffic and ensure that it is free from collision hazards in the whole airspace — the ATC sector — under their control. The ATFM service takes care that the flow capacity in each [...]


During the last three decades, aircraft cockpits have been highly automated and incrementally digitized to the point that we now talk about “interactive cockpits”, not because pilots interact with the mechanical part of the aircraft directly, but because they use a pointing device [...]


International audience; The annual number of flights in Western Europe has increased from about 2.6 million in 1982 to about 4.5 million in 1992, an increase of 73%. Acute congestion of the Air Traffic Control system has been the result. One way to reduce this congestion is to modify [...]


Unmanned Airborne Systems (UAS) offer significant benefits for long duration missions. They can also be used in situations where it is inappropriate to expose aircrew to increased levels of risk. Partly in consequence, they continue to experience accident rates that are significantly [...]


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) typically fly blind with operators in distant locations. Most UAVs are too small to carry a traffic collision avoidance system (TCAS) payload or transponder. Collision avoidance is currently done by flight planning, use of ground or air based human [...]


International audience To sustain the continuously increasing air traffic demand, the future air traffic management system will rely on a so-called trajectory based operations concept that will increase air traffic capacity by reducing the controllers’ workload. This will be achieved [...]