Social Sciences


  • Scope

    This collection gathers research and technical articles in the field of Social Sciences categories.

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    Anuario ThinkEPI publica artículos cortos (unas dos mil palabras) escritos por los miembros del think tank Grupo ThinkEPI sobre Información, Documentación, Comunicación, Bibliotecas y Publicación Científica. Se trata de artículos [...]

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    Quarterly scientific journal, bilingual in Spanish and English in all its articles, and abstracts in Portuguese, Chinese and Russian. With 30 years of [...]

    • 1874
    • 72378
    • 5/5
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    Enmarcada en un contexto donde los medios de comunicación experimentan una serie de cambios tecnológicos en la producción de mensajes, propios de la sociedad del conocimiento, la revista anual Análisis y análisis tiene como objetivo fundamental [...]

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    Revista científica bimestral que publica artículos evaluados por pares sobre Comunicación Social, Ciencias de la Información, Documentación, Bibliotecas y Sistemas de información. Publica artículos en español y en inglés.

    Bimonthly [...]

    • 1554
    • 8656
    • 5/5
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  • Scope

    The collection is a repository of open access articles covering reports of research projects, conference proceedings and trend and niche topics.

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating original research activities at the forefront of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to provide a major reference source of comprehensive fundamental and applied knowledge in all disciplines [...]

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    International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovation is an international peer-reviewed academic journal that highly values the importance of developing knowledge in the field of multidisciplinary educational [...]

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    This is the Open Access repository of the project "Social network tools and procedures for developing entrepreneurial skills in PhD programmes" (prodPhD) [...]

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    La Revista Iberoamericana de Educación en Ingeniería [...]

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    Voces de la [...]

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    The Interdisciplinary Reviews on Educational Development (IRED) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal which main objective is the dissemination of studies that provide answers to the main scientific and social problems present in the educational development of actual society, [...]

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    The following collection includes all documents related to Air quality  in ports.

    Air quality shows the amount of pollutants which are present in the air at a particular place. Near ports, due to the amount of different transport mode system traffic [...]

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles dedicated to investigation of sleep, chronobiology, and related topics. The collection includes original studies, reviews, short communications, theoretical essays and case reports in both pre-clinical and clinical research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles related to studies of urological medicine and prevention of urological disorders.

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    La Revista Cubana de Tecnología de la Salud (RCTS) es una publicación científica periódica en línea (, que recibe artículos sobre Ciencias [...]

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    La revista Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología es una revista científica, revisada por [...]

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    The collection is a repository of the open access articles related to the Safety and Health at Work. Articles aim to exchange ideas and data developed through research experience in the broad field of occupational health and safety. Articles may deal with scientific research to [...]

  • Scope

    This collection gathers research and technical articles in the field of Arts and Humanities categories.

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles related to novel legal issues of interest to Mexico, North America and Latin America. The collection aims to journal offers researchers, academics and students the opportunity to publish articles and papers on relevant Mexican [...]

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    The key objective of the EU FAR project is to stimulate the development of granular open data on EU funding. In doing so, the work will be conducted for Romania by providing [...]

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    La revista Venezolana de Salud Publica es una [...]

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    The Presentations Repository of Scipedia is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of presentations made by Scipedia staff.[...]

  • Scope

    The collection is a repository of open access articles in the field of sociological analysis and research.

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    Open Science is a modern movement that represents a new approach to practicing science, in a way that increases openness, integrity and reproducibility of research. It aims at making scientific process and results more transparent and accessible at all levels and to everyone. The [...]

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    The collection is a repository of closed access articles on all aspects of transport research. This collection is part of the results of the European project BeOpen.


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    The collection is a repository of closed access books or chapters of books on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of closed or embargoed conferences on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of closed access reports on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of closed access thesis on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of open articles on all aspects of transport research. [...]

    • 1498
    • 3379
    • 5/5
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    The collection is a repository of open conferences on all aspects of transport research. [...]

    • 5809
    • 7149
    • 5/5
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    The collection is a repository of open reports on all aspects of transport research. [...]

    • 1308
    • 1115
    • 5/5
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    The collection is a repository of open thesis on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of restricted report on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The collection is a repository of restricted thesis on all aspects of transport research. [...]

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    The scope of this publication covers engineering systems that provide support and help in the design of civil infrastructure, and to the natural disasters and accidents caused by human [...]

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    In the upcoming decade the integration of Advanced Multidisciplinary Simulation (MS), Optimization (MO) and Big Data Analysis (MBDA) tools will have a major impact on systemic procedures in both industrial and societal environments linked to Smart, Green and Integrated Transport [...]

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles where academic achievements of great importance in engineering science and technology can be disseminated and shared. The collection includes new focus, and updates on central issues; heuristic comments and reviews on major [...]

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    The collection is a repository of open access books or open chapters of books on all aspects of transport research. [...]

    • 1691
    • 2511
    • 5/5
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    The Collection of Research Data in Transport, in the frame of the Transport Observatory/fOrum for Promoting Open Science (TOPOS observatory and forum), aims to promote communication and networking among stakeholders in the transport research area.

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    The use of robotics in manufacturing and industry continues to advance, expand, and evolve at a rapid pace. While the early adaptation of Industry 4.0 has seen significant increases in productivity combined with as much decrease in maintenance costs, [...]

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    The collection of Frontiers of Architectural Research is a repository of one access articles that cover the field of architecture, including architectural design and theory, architectural science and technology, urban planning, landscape architecture, existing building renovation [...]

    • 224
    • 19861
    • 5/5
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