Engineering, Biomedical


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    This collection gathers research and technical articles in the field of Engineering categories.

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    The collection is a repository of open access articles where academic achievements of great importance in engineering science and technology can be disseminated and shared. The collection includes new focus, and updates on central issues; heuristic comments and reviews on major [...]

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    La Colección de Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecánica y Mecatrónica Aplicada (CIIMMA, es un conjunto de resúmenes presentados en los congresos CIIMMA celebrados del 2022 a la fecha. En dichos resúmenes se [...]

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    The Papers Repository of the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of scientific papers published by researchers of the International [...]

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    Esta colección incluye las presentaciones realizadas en la reunión de la red internacional de Aulas CIMNE, celebrada el viernes 8 septiembre 2017 en Barcelona.

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    The Presentations Repository of the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of presentations made by researchers of the [...]