From its theoretical and practical point of view, traffic is one of the fundamental factors of the economy in a state. In the developed European countries, a rational production of transport services is presented by multimodal transport and the correct selection of a logistic operator. The aim of multimodal transport is to link together different forms of traffic in the most effective way, as well as all operations considering transport. The logistic operator is the only professional to perform complete services in multimodal transport, therefore it was necesarry to enable its further development and, in accordance with that, to suggest suitable solutions. An increase of the existing and the creation of new traffic currents can only be achieved with the development of multimodal transport, the correct selection of logistic operator and better organisation of the traffic system. In the future, the Republic of Slovenia should continue developing multimodal transport in order to decrease the differences in forms of transport in the developed European countries in the shortest time possible.The main task of the Republic of Slovenia is to integrate into the European flows as soon as possible, engage in a reciprocal cooperation by liberalization of flows of commodities and services, and create conditions for the inflow of foreign capital where all advantages of multimodal transport come into consideration. The result of the research is a model of multimodal transport logistic operator connecting the basic elements of that transport. Promet je iz svojega teoretičnega in praktičnega vidika eden od temeljnih dejavnikov gospodarstva določene države. V razvitih evropskih državah predstavlja racionalno proizvodnjo prevoznih storitev multimodalni transport ter pravilen izbor logističnega operatorja. Cilj multimodalnega transporta je cim bolj učinkovito povezati različne veje prometa, oziroma vse operacije, ki so povezane s transportom. Logistični operator je edini profesionalec za nudenje celovitih storitev v multimodalnem transportu, zato je bilo potrebno utrditi njegov nadaljnji razvoj in skladno s tem predlagati ustrezne rešitve. Samo z razvojem multimodalnega transporta, pravilnim izborom logističnega operatorja ter z boljšo organizacijo prometnega sistema je možno povečati obstoječe in ustvariti nove prometne tokove. Republika Slovenija mora razvijati multimodalni transport, da bi v najkrajšem času zmanjšala razlike s takšnimi oblikami transporta v razvitih evropskih državah. Glavna naloga Republike Slovenije je čimprejšnja vključitev v evropske tokove, medsebojno sodelovanje z liberalizacijo tokov blaga in storitev ter ustvarjanje pogojev za dotok tujega kapitala, kjer prihajajo do izraza vse prednosti multimodalnega transporta. Torej rezultat raziskovanja je model logističnega operatorja.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2017
Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v17i1.618
Licence: Other
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