
Mobility and transport evolve with time and the passing generations. Interactions are numerous between daily mobility and household migration (here defined as house moving implying a municipality change). The evolution of the transport system has deeply modified the barrier of distance and has largely opened the choices in terms of residence place. The continuing urban sprawl phenomenon resulting from these modifications has itself resulted in a strengthening of the property and housing market in certain territories, pushing people (young couples in particular) towards a residential localization which is further and further away from the traditional, urban activity centres. The tensions between daily and residential mobility have therefore increased, notwithstanding the recent rise in energy costs. This in turn generates unsustainable effects on society and environment. But these new residential choices have in parallel induced new mobility behaviours, based on an extensive (and probably excessive) use of the private car in daily trips (home-work/school, shopping, leisure ...). Social life itself (visits to friend and family) has become more spatially dispersed. One already knows that the propensity to change residence is determined by a number of individual or household characteristics such as age, citizenship or income, but the effects of long-term trends as population ageing, the evolution of the household/family structure on both residential choices and mobility behaviours remain so far largely unanticipated. This research project aimed at analyzing interactions between demographics and the evolution of mobilities at different time-scales. In particular, localization choice for household, daily accessibility and internal migrations ap pear to have strong relations.

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Published on 01/01/2011

Volume 2011, 2011
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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