
The Hillman-Composite Beam (HCB®), is an innovative structural member for use in highway and railroad bridges as well as marine facilities. The HCB is essentially a lightweight reinforced concrete beam strengthened and protected by a corrosion-resistant and resilient Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer (FRP) shell. The beam is comprised of three main components, a concrete arch (compression reinforcement), an FRP bottom flange encapsulating steel strands tying the ends of the arch together (tension reinforcement) and the FRP shell. Galvanized Rebar “shear connectors” are used to make the beam composite with the concrete deck in the same manner as pre-stressed concrete beams. The HCB has been deployed throughout North America and is currently being sought out by transportation agencies worldwide: projects using the HCB over the last 10 years, several State DOTs, Class 1 Railroads, the US Army Corps of Engineers among others have successfully completed projects using HCB. In all cases, the owner received a low-maintenance, high performance beam with a minimum 100-year service life.

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Published on 24/04/17
Accepted on 24/04/17
Submitted on 24/04/17

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.5703/1288284316365
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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