Competitiveness of rail transport compared to road transport has been reducing, especially on regional railway lines. To improve this situation, the EU adopted various directives and regulations to increase efficiency of railway undertakings. In this paper we present an organizational and economic model based on European policies for local railway system. The organizational model is based on multi-criteria decision analysis. For the economic model we used an econometric approach to estimate the cost function and marginal costs in regional lines, which constitute the basis for railway charges. By implementing such an organizational model, the functioning of the railway network will improve. The research found that a change in the existing model of calculating costs of infrastructure use would bring economic effects for the railway infrastructure manager and the providers of transport. Using the proposed model we also found that it is reasonable to increase the flow of goods on unused regional railway lines because the railway infrastructure maintenance costs are inelastic with regard to transported gross tons. Konkurentnost željezničkog prijevoza u usporedbi s cestovnim se smanjuje, naročito na regionalnim željezničkim prugama. Kako bi se poboljšala ta situacija, EU je donijela razne direktive i pravila u svrhu povećanja učinkovitosti željezničkih poduzeća. U ovom radu predstavljamo organizacijski i ekonomski model koji se zasniva na europskoj politici vođenja lokalnog željezničkog sustava. Organizacijski model se temelji na analizi odluke o više kriterija. Za ekonomski smo model primijenili ekonometrijski pristup u procjeni funkcije troškova i marginalnih troškova na regionalnim prugama, koji predstavljaju osnovu troškova na željeznici. Primjenom takvog organizacijskog modela, poboljšat će se funkcioniranje željezničke mreže. Istraživanjem se ustanovilo da bi promjena postojećeg modela izračuna troškova korištenja infrastrukture donijela ekonomske koristi rukovodiocu željezničke infrastrukture i onima koji su zaduženi za promet. Primjenom predloženog modela također smo ustanovili da ima smisla povećati protok robe na nekorištenim željezničkim linijama jer su troškovi održavanja željezničke infrastrukture neelastični u odnosu na prevezene bruto tone.
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Published on 01/01/2017
Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.17559/tv-20160218095139
Licence: Other
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