
In this paper, we will be carrying out an in-depth analysis of a series of investigations involving concept maps used in eye tracking methodology. First, the background to this kind of research is analyzed: on the one hand we will focus on generic scientific literature about those concept maps with theoretical foundations in the psychology of learning, and second the literature of eye tracking in teaching and learning will be reviewed. Finally, we will center our attention on the way in which the literature for these two areas overlaps. A total of 15 published works on concept maps using eye tracking were located and subsequently the quality of these papers, their visibility, topics, and results were analyzed. The findings show there are very few published works on this subject, all originated from dispersed sources which proved difficult to locate, despite the fact that eye tracking methodology lends itself perfectly to the study of concept maps. We predict that in coming years there will be many more publications in this field.

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Published on 19/01/16
Accepted on 19/01/16
Submitted on 19/01/16

Volume 25, Issue 1, 2016
DOI: 10.3145/epi.2016.ene.07
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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