
The scale of policies and measures for sustainable urban freight transport in European cities is still insignificant. However, the situation is changing as more and more cities are adopting sustainable urban logistics plans (SULPs). The situation in cities is extremely heterogeneous, so it would be difficult to point to one single policy that fits all. Yet the tool created with European projects constituting an instruction to prepare SULP allows us to follow the standardized steps, regardless of the conditions found in particular cities. The effectiveness of implementing sustainable measures to a large extent depends on the level of acceptability of individual urban space stakeholders. The article presents the results of a survey conducted among stakeholders of a Polish metropolis&mdash

the Gdansk&ndash


Sopot metropolitan area. The analysis showed that acceptability rises with the increase in the size of the surveyed entities. The most diversified acceptability ratings were obtained for the transport infrastructure solutions. Proposals for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions are rated more positively by medium-sized and large enterprises. These solutions are assessed with greater caution by small and micro enterprises. The least diversified and clearly higher acceptance indicators were obtained for proposals in the scope of shaping sustainable urban transport development. The assessments obtained from the respondents should therefore constitute an important element of the works for developing the sustainable urban logistics plans starting in 2020 for Gdynia and also the opinions can be an important element of the future sustainable urban logistics plans, which are currently being developed in many European cities.

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Published on 01/01/2019

Volume 2019, 2019
DOI: 10.3390/su11215909
Licence: Other

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