
Contract-of-Objectives (CoO) is designed in the context of trajectory-based Air Traffic Management (ATM), using mutually agreed objectives between Air Traffic Control (ATC), airlines and airports. This paper provides an overview of the foreseen validation of CoO and discusses the results of the first Human-in-the-Loop (HIL) evaluation of the concept of operations using CoO between Air Traffic Controllers (ATCos). This HIL real time evaluation is carried out in October 2008 in SkyGuide premises in Geneva, Switzerland. Measurements on system performance (i.e., Safety, Efficiency, and Capacity) as well as Human performances (i.e., workload, Situation Awareness, and acceptability) were collected and analyzed. Results show that ATCos are positive with the concept of operations, and they do agree on the principle of flying what were “planned, agreed and negotiated” on the planning phase as opposed to “first come, first served”. Results of the evaluations also show that CoO can be applied to 2008 and 2020 traffic level in Europe without any impact on System Safety.

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Published on 01/01/2009

Volume 2009, 2009
DOI: 10.1109/dasc.2009.5347512
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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