he unknown friction factor from the implicit Colebrook equation cannot be expressed explicitly in an analytical way, and therefore to simplify the calculation, many explicit approximations can be used instead. The accuracy of such approximations should be evaluated only throughout the domain of interest in engineering practice where the number of test points can be chosen in many different ways, using uniform, quasi-uniform, random, and quasi-random patterns. To avoid picking points with undetected errors, a sufficient minimal number of such points should be chosen, and they should be distributed using proper patterns. A properly chosen pattern can minimize the required number of testing points that are sufficient to detect maximums of the error. The ability of the Sobol quasi-random vs. random distribution of testing points to capture the maximal relative error using a sufficiently small number of samples is evaluated. Sobol testing points that are quasi-randomly distributed can cover the domain of interest more evenly, avoiding large gaps. Sobol sequences are quasi-random and are always the same, which allows the exact repetition of scientific results.
Published on 01/01/2022
DOI: 10.3390/axioms11020036
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license