
dvanced driver assistance systems are increasingly available on road vehicles. These systems require a thorough development procedure, an important part of which consists of hardware-in-the-loop experiments in a controlled environment. To this end, a facility called Vehicle Hardware-In-the-Loop (VeHIL) is operated, aiming at testing the entire road vehicle in an artificial environment. In VeHIL, the test vehicle is placed on a roller bench, whereas other traffic participants, i.e., vehicles in the direct neighborhood of the test vehicle, are simulated using wheeled mobile robots (WMRs). To achieve a high degree of experiment reproducibility, focus is put on the design of an accurate position control system for the robots. Due to the required types of maneuvers, these robots have independently driven and steered wheels. Consequently, the robot is overactuated. Furthermore, since the robot is capable of high-dynamic maneuvers, slip effects caused by the tires can play an important role. A position controller based on feedback linearization is presented, using the so-called multicycle approach, which regards the robot as a set of identical unicycles. As a result, the WMR is position controlled, whereas each unicycle is controlled, taking weight transfer and longitudinal and lateral tire slip into account. © 2006 IEEE.

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Published on 01/01/2009

Volume 2009, 2009
DOI: 10.1109/tits.2009.2026316
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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