
Building inspection systems are a useful tool for surveyors, standardising the collection of information. Thisresearch is framed within the development of a global inspection system based on twelve expert inspection systems for twelve types of building elements used in the envelope of current buildings. Homogenised classification lists replace the use of several records and unify designations used in fieldwork. A homogenised global classification list of repair techniques comprises, in a single component, all the techniques used to repair defects and eliminate their causes for different types of building elements. It includes curative and preventive repairs, as well as planned maintenance works. Well-defined criteria guided the harmonisation process of a large set of repair techniquesin a user-friendly list. For instance, the association of different operations in a single repair technique took into account: similarities between procedures, applicability to one type of building element, solving identical defects and the use of similar repair materials. Considering data from the validation samples of the expert inspection systems, it is observed that techniques "R-A1 Cleaning" in painted façades and "R-A12 Application of a new (adequate) cladding/finishing coat over the existent/replacement" in wall renders are the most commonly prescribed. The provision of a homogenised classification list of repair techniques is expected to improve the quality of information collected on-site and give a comprehensive view of the most relevant repair techniques used in the envelope of current buildings.

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Published on 25/09/20
Submitted on 13/09/20

DOI: 10.23967/dbmc.2020.072
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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