I. Ortigoza, J. García-Espinosa
In this work we will be based on two experimental-based statistical techniques, which allow us to determine approximately the residual resistance coefficient of the sailboat and the viscous coefficient and wave resistance coefficient in the case of merchants. For the calculation of the residual resistance in sailboats the most used method is the Delft series, and for the calculation of the residual resistance in merchants the most widespread method is that of Holtrop and Mennen. Both methods used experimental data to adjust a function, the results obtained with the functions are quite reliable, but it is difficult to improve the model since the statistical adjustment is complicated. For this reason, in this work we try to overcome that limitation and develop a tool that is capable of performing the same calculations, with the same or better reliability and also that allows to be constantly improved with experimental data. The tool used is the neural network.
Published on 01/01/2007
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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