On the basis of continuum constitutive models (stress vs. strain), the introduction of strong discontinuity kinematics (considering jumps in the displacement fields across a discontinuity interface) induces projected discrete constitutive models (traction-displacement jumps) in a consistent manner. Therefore, this projection provides possible links between the classical continuum strain-localization analysis and the non-linear (decohesive) fracture mechanics techniques. The strong discontinuity analysis shows that (bandwidth based) regularization of the hardening/softening parameter is the crucial modification to be done on the continuum model to achieve such a projection, and it also provides the strong discontinuity conditions that set restrictions on the stress state compatible with bifurcations in a strong discontinuity format. The methodology is illustrated on the basis of two classical families of non-linear constitutive models (scalar continuum damage and elasto-plasticity) for which the corresponding discrete constitutive models and the strong discontinuity conditions are derived.
Published on 01/01/2000
DOI: 10.1016/S0020-7683(00)00196-7
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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