
The introduction of contemporary procedures to fleet management processes has recently changed the work planning and supervision of driver's work activities. Tendencies to control the implementation of driver's work have been present in modem professional practice for quite a long time however, the equipment available on the market limited its implementation. The intensified development of digital tachographs has, in technical terms, ensured such equipment considerably before the legislative groundwork was prepared for its practical implementation. The Commission Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 (implementation of Social legislation relating to Road Transport) does not bring any essential novelties in terms of permitted workload. Consistent monitoring of drivers activities, made possible by digital tachographs, will have impact on the existing working methods. The topic of the present paper is in deep analysis of the impact of the mentioned regulation with special emphasis on the conditions for the regulation of the current stage of drivers work and on the expected consequences. The essential importance lies on the expected change in the mentality and approach to planning the driver's activities in the transport process on the part of the carrier: the outcome will eventually result in the efficiency of each individual carrier. Uvedba sodobnih postopkov v procese upravljanja z voznim parkom je v zadnjem času spremenila način načrtovanja dela voznega osebja ter nadzor nad njegovimi delovnimi aktivnostmi. Težnje po nadzoru izvajanja voznikovega dela so v strokovni praksi prisotne že dalj časa, njena realizacija pa je bila omejena z razpoložljivo opremo na tržišču. Pospešen razvoj digitalnih tahografov je v tehničnem smislu takšno opremo zagotovil bistveno prej, kot so bile urejene zakonodajne podlage za njegovo uvedbo v prakso. Uredba evropske komisije 561/2006 (Socialna zakonodaja v zvezi s cestnim transportom) sicer ne prinaša bistvenih novosti glede dovoljenih obremenitev. Zaradi doslednejše spremljave voznikove aktivnosti, ki jo omogočajo digitalni tahografi, pa bo vplivala na dosedanji način njihovega dela. Predmet pričujočega prispevka je detajlna analiza vpliva uredbe s posebnim poudarkom na pogojih za ureditev stanja na področju dela voznikov ter pričakovanih posledic. Ključnega pomena je pričakovana sprememba načina razmišljanja in dela prevoznikov pri načrtovanju voznikovega dela v transportnem procesu, kar bo vplivalo na uspešnost poslovanja posameznega prevoznika.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v21i1.913
Licence: Other

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