The paper deals with the issue of efficiency of public passenger transport through financial support from public funds from the perspective of improving road safety. The aim is to verify the hypothesis that financing public passenger transport from public funds is a significant tool to influence the number of passengers carried by individual automobile transport, and thus it can be used a tool for influencing road safety in a particular territory. The first part of the paper analyses the sources for financial support of public passenger transport. The next part describes the assumptions for improving road safety through increasing the support of public passenger transport. The last part analyses possible impacts of financing public passenger transport on the road safety in relation to the specified hypothesis.
Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic VEGA [1/0143/17 POLIAK]
Document type: Article
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2017
Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.20858/tp.2017.12.4.6
Licence: Other
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