
This paper presents the methodology for calculating the peak deviator stress and strain at peak deviator stress uncertainty of triaxial compression tests on water saturated, non-cohesive soils consolidated under isotropic conditions. A silicious sand sample is prepared in the same way to produce identical cylindrical specimens. These are then tested under the same conditions. Type A and type B uncertainty are calculated separately and used to yield the combined and expanded uncertainty of the main results, peak deviator stress and strain at peak deviator stress. For both measurands, type A uncertainty is significantly higher that type B and it is the factor mainly affecting the overall uncertainty of the results

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Published on 07/06/24
Submitted on 07/06/24

Volume From measurement to reliable in situ geotechnical site characterization – statistical data processing, 2024
DOI: 10.23967/isc.2024.006
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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