Cruise tourism generates different types of cruise consumption and related indirect, direct and induced expenditure effects, in homeports as well as in ports of call. Cruise passengers´ expenditures produce positive economic effects for destinations, from increasing the incomes and employment, to tax incomes, duties, etc. Therefore, it is no doubt that cruise stakeholders and local economies can benefit from increased cruise passenger consumption. To stimulate higher consumption and passengers´ satisfaction, it is necessary to design the supportive policy framework and build appropriate quality of products and services. Identifying influential variables of cruise passengers´ expenditures in this sense enables the design of appropriate policies and measures. In the current research, based on a survey of 357 cruise passengers, several variables included in a new theoretical model of the expenditures determinants, such as gender, nationality, frequency of cruising and frequency of visits, were found to be statistically significantly associated with cruise passengers´ expenditures. Several conclusions and suggestions to stimulate cruise passenger expenditures based on research findings are provided. Kružna putovanja generiraju različite oblike potrošnje i povezanih indirektnih, direktnih i ostalih učinaka, u domaćim lukama, kao i u lukama ticanja. Potrošnja putnika na kružnim putovanjima stvara pozitivne ekonomske efekte za destinacije, od povećanja dohotka i zaposlenosti, pa do povećanja prihoda od poreza i carina, itd. Stoga, nema dileme da dionici kružnih putovanja i lokalno gospodarstvo mogu imati koristi od povećane potrošnje putnika. Da bi se ona povećala, kao i zadovoljstvo samih putnika, potrebno je utvrditi okvir politika za povećanje potrošnje te stvoriti odgovarajuću razinu proizvoda i usluga. Identifikacija čimbenika značajnih za potrošnju putnika na krstarenjima omogućava izradu primjerenih politika i mjera. U ovom se istraživanju, na temelju ankete 357 putnika na kružnom putovanju, utvrđuju varijable, uključene u novi teorijski model determinanti potrošnje, i to: spol, učestalost kružnih putovanja i posjeta destinaciji. Za njih se može kazati da su značajno statistički povezane s potrošnjom putnika. U radu se utvrđuju zaključci i prijedlozi za povećanje potrošnje, na temelju dobivenih rezultata istraživanja.
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Published on 01/01/2017
Volume 2017, 2017
Licence: Other
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