Se describe la evolución de diversos repositorios temáticos aparecidos en 2017, así como alguna de las tendencias de futuro que se apuntan. Se discute el momento actual de las megarrevistas, con énfasis en su viabilidad, modelo de negocio y estrategias de consolidación.
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Spezi, Valerie; Wakeling, Simon; Pinfield, Stephen; Creaser, Claire; Fry, Jenny; Willet, Peter (2017). “Open-access mega-journals: The future of scholarly communication or academic dumping ground? A review”. Journal of documentation, v. 73, n. 2, pp. 263-283.
Spezi, Valerie; Wakeling, Simon; Pinfield, Stephen; Fry, Jenny; Creaser, Claire; Willet, Peter (2018). “‘Let the community decide?’ The vision and reality of soundness-only peer review in open-access mega-journals”. Journal of documentation, v. 74, n. 1, pp.137-161.
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Wakeling, Simon; Spezi, Valerie; Fry, Jenny; Creaser, Claire;; Pinfield, Stephen; Willet, Peter (2017b). “Open access megajournals: The publisher perspective (Part 2: Operational realities)”. Learned publishing , v. 30, pp. 313–322.
Published on 25/04/18
Submitted on 25/04/18
Volume 12, 2018
DOI: 10.3145/thinkepi.2018.47
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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