This paper describes how studies have demonstrated that inadequate transport services may create barriers and limit individual and group participation in the normal range of activities. Availability of sustainable transport services can potentially play a very important role in influencing many factors that are enveloped by the concept of social exclusion; in most circumstances inclusion means participation in processes and activities and participation strongly depends on the physical access to facilities. The right to mobility must be guarantee to mobility-impaired people (children, the elderly and the disabled) even in low demand areas and in the presence of a fragmented public transport service. The Public Transport Authorities (PTAs) can and have to influence and encourage the diffusion of IT based flexible transport systems, being able to link and optimize demand and the offer of transport.
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Published on 01/01/2009
Volume 2009, 2009
DOI: 10.2495/sdp090181
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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