Modern complexity of management is associated with im- portant decision making, confronting a great number of useless information. Selection of information - the choice of only qual-ity ones, i. e. essential ones, is a big problem in management decision-making. Implementation of systemic approach i. e. dialectical-network thinking (DNT) can help to deal with it. The paper presents a holistic thinking approach in a case study for the Slovenian parcel postal problem. The volume of parcel flows at the Post of Slovenia between Posts is increasing rapidly and it requires a new design of the postal network. This paper presents a reorganization of parcel services between Postal Logistics Centers and Posts by adding Regional Parcel Centers and Parcel Posts to the network. A case for the area covered by Ljubljana Postal Logistics Center is given, which takes into consideration the sorting out and the retaining of parcels in the Posts, Parcel Posts and Regional Parcel Centers within their individual areas. Sodobna kompleksnost menedžmenta je povezana s sprejemanjem (bolj ali manj) pomembnih odločitev. Te so posledica velikega, mnogokrat (žal) neuporabnega števila informacij. Njihovo selekcioniranje - izbor samo tistih kakovostnih, bistvenih za konkretno problematiko menedžerskega odločanja - je velik problem. Pri tem lahko pomaga sistemski pristop oziroma dialektično-sistemsko razmišljanje (DNT). Članek predstavlja celovitost razmišljanja v primeru aplikacije postne mreže paketnih pošiljk v Sloveniji. Število paketnih pošiljk na Posti Slovenije skokovito narašča, zato je potrebna reorganizacija postne mreže. Članek prestavlja reorganizacijo paketnih storitev med postnimi logističnimi centri in poštami z uvedbo regijskih paketnih centrov in paketnih post. Podan je primer za območje pokrivanja Postnega logističnega centra Ljubljana, ki vključuje ločevanje in izločanje pošiljk na poštah, paketnih poštah in regijskih paketnih centrih za lastna območja.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2017
Volume 2017, 2017
DOI: 10.7307/ptt.v21i1.989
Licence: Other
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