Due to climate change, more frequent and extreme weather events will lead to extreme heat, drought and
precipitation. This may affect the functionality of (federal) highways and therefore pose a risk for safety and
traffic flow. As the asset manager of the main road system in The Netherlands, Rijkswaterstaat has to ensure that
road networks continue their operational functions, both now and in the future. Therefore adaptation strategies
are needed to develop and maintain climate resilient infrastructure, integrated in the environment. To develop
such a strategy, the ROADAPT methodology - developed in response to the ‘CEDR call 2012: Road owners
adapting to climate change’ – and Dynamic Adaptation Policy Pathways were tested on a planned Dutch
highway project, InnovA58. This paper elaborates on this test and derives lessons for broader application. By
this paper the authors wish to contribute to the discussion about creating climate resilient road infrastructure as
integral part of their environment.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
DOIS: 10.5281/zenodo.1441010 10.5281/zenodo.1441009
Published on 01/01/2018
Volume 2018, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1441010
Licence: Other
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