Shared mobility is widely discussed, yet only few travelers actually make use of shared services. Apart from personal characteristics, the supply and more specific the supply density of shared vehicles is assumed to be crucial for a widespread shared mobility usage. In this paper, we test this hypothesis. Moreover we provide insights into the impact of current mobility behavior on the usage intention for shared transport services. For this purpose, we combine existing transport usage data with the real supply of shared vehicles in selected cities in Germany. We investigate free-floating and station-based car- and bikesharing, free-floating e-scootersharing, as well as ridesharing. To do so, we collected data on the vehicles supplied per service for beginning of 2020. In a first step, we analyze group differences in terms of intended usage between people living in cities where the services are offered and those who live in cities without access to such services. This information is used in a second step when we analyze to what extent the supply density is driving usage intention for a specific trip purpose obtained from the first analysis step. Therefore, we apply logistic regression analyses that focus on socio-demographics, the users’ possession of mobility tools (e.g. driver’s license, car access, transit pass), their current transport behavior and the availability of services respectively.
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Published on 01/01/2020
Volume 2020, 2020
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000419741
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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