In this paper a review is presented on the PSE (Problem Solving Environment) concept in computing science. PSE is an emerging scientific and technological active area in computing science. In the PSE concept, human concentrates on target problems and works on solutions, and a part of application of solutions, which can be solved mechanically, is performed by computers or machines or software. PSE provides integrated human friendly innovative computational services and facilities for easy incorporation of novel solution methods to solve a target class of problems. PSE is an innovative concept to enrich our e-Science, eLife, eEngineering, e-Production, e-Commerce, e-Home, etc. The PSE-relating studies were started in 1970's to provide a higher-level programming language than Fortran, etc. in scientific computations [Trans. Jpn. Soc. Comput. Eng. and Science, 20171001, (2017)]. The trend at that time was natural to deliver more humanfriendly programming environment, and was resulting in PSE, CAE (Computer Assisted Engineering), libraries, etc. At present PSE covers a rather wide area, for example, program generation support PSEs ['Enabling Technologies for Computational Science', Kluwer Academic Pub., 291, (2000)], education support PSEs, CAE software learning support PSEs, Grid/Cloud computing support PSEs, job execution support PSEs, e-Learning support PSEs, etc. This review paper includes the PSE definition, a brief history of PSE, example PSE study activities, uncertainty management PSE and future research directions in PSE.
Published on 10/03/21
Submitted on 10/03/21
Volume 1400 - Software, High Performance Computing, 2021
DOI: 10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.290
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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