A one-dimensional mathematical model based on finite-strain theory is developed to solve the problem of seepage-induced consolidation in sedimented slurries or very soft clays. The direct solution employs known or assumed material property relationships to determine the final thickness of a soft sediment subjected to a constant piezometric head. It is useful for predicting the capacity of a disposal area and the time-dependent improvement in material properties. Alternatively, the inverse solution utilizes final settlement and steady-state flow data from laboratory or field tests to deduce permeability and compressibility relationships for soft sediments. This approach is especially helpful in the case of permeability determinations because it avoids some of the major problems associated with permeability testing of such materials. The resulting model shows that the coefficient of permeability influences both the time to reach the steady-state condition and the nature of the steady-state condition itself. An illustrative example is presented wherein data from a series of tests on a kaolinite slurry are used to establish material property relationships that are then used to predict the response of other tests on the same soil under different conditions
Published on 01/01/1988
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9410(1988)114:5(614)
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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