International audience; The modes of reasoning which are used in the context of safety analysis and the very nature of knowledge about safety mean that a conventional computing solution is unsuitable and the utilization of artificial intelligence techniques would seem to be more appropriate. Our research has involved three specific aspects of artificial intelligence: knowledge acquisition, machine learning and knowledge based systems (KBS). Development of the knowledge base in a KBS requires the use of knowledge acquisition techniques in order to collect, structure and formalizes knowledge. It has not been possible with knowledge acquisition to extract effectively some types of expert knowledge. Therefore, the use of knowledge acquisition in combination with machine learning appears to be a very promising solution. This paper presents the result of these two research activities which are involved in the methodology of safety analysis of guided rail transport systems.
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Published on 01/01/2019
Volume 2019, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00979-3_41
Licence: Other
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