
The nonlinear finite element method is a computational method in the variational simulation of material models for materials with and without microstructures [1]. Taking into account microstructures of engineering materials in their computational models is often worthwhile to improve numerical predictions [2]. An example is the modelling of fiber-reinforced materials, which are manufactured on the microscale by filaments or on the mesoscale by rovings, respectively. A macroscopic finite element simulation of both materials provides an anisotropic continuum model. However, fiber-reinforced materials based on rovings demand for continua with extended kinematics. A computational modelling of extended continua is possible by a mixed finite element method. In this contribution, we show the introduction of internal rotational degrees of freedom to model also a stiffness with respect to roving flexure and twist. Furthermore, a corresponding structure-preserving time integration is obtained. Numerical examples also demonstrate the additional continuum stiffness owing to the consideration of roving flexure and twist.

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Published on 12/07/21
Submitted on 12/07/21

Volume IS24 - Optimal Design of Structures and Metamaterials: Innovative Techniques for Engineering Applications, 2021
DOI: 10.23967/coupled.2021.061
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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