
Currently, the issues of providing socially significant services in general have quite extensive regulation, based, among other things, on a significant volume of strategic planning acts. And this is completely objective, since it is this sphere of public administration that is most in demand and sensitive both in the context of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and its significance for the daily life of citizens. The social orientation of the state to the needs of citizens necessitates a consistent expansion of the availability and quality of socially significant services, which necessitates the formation of new narratives in this area of public relations, including the level of legal security and digital support. In this regard, new strategies and guidelines are emerging in the organization of the functioning of public power aimed at ensuring and implementing one of the basic values of the modern state - orientation to the needs of people, including all its services, which allows us to talk about the strategy of "client-centricity" in public administration, which is directly interrelated with the strategy of a "proactive" state, which is especially relevant in relation to socially significant services. The full and effective implementation of strategies and guidelines in the field of providing socially significant services largely depends on the quality of their legal support, including law enforcement, which makes it possible to raise the question of the need to monitor legislation and law enforcement in the field of socially significant services in the context of the formation of the concept of "client-centricity" in public administration and trends in the development of a new digital legal space. The results of this work can be used: in law-making and law enforcement activities of public authorities for: - improvement of legal regulation in the field of providing socially significant services, including assessment of the current regulatory framework and justification of directions for its improvement; - improvement of law enforcement practice, which will ensure the effectiveness of the provision of socially significant services.

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Published on 20/12/23
Submitted on 12/12/23

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