The subject area of the research is issues related to improving the effectiveness of the System of Government Social Assistance on the basis of the Social Contract (GSA SC). The purpose of the research is to construct proposals for development of the GSA SC based on its transformation into an activation-type program with a dominance of activities aimed at stimulating the participation of low-income households in labor activity. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the need to improve the effectiveness of the current system of the Social Contracts in the Russian Federation, improve the methodology used to measure its effectiveness and increase the informativeness of the estimates being developed. The scientific novelty of the research connects with the new approaches developed within the research frameworks to measure the GSA SC economic effects at the households sector level. The methodology and methodological approaches implemented within the research framework were based on taking into account the impact of the GSA SC activities on the development of the household sector economy, in which dynamics measuring a system of indicators developed in the national accounting statistics is used. The main results of the research include: assessments of the GSA SC system current state and the problems of its insufficient effectiveness identified in the analysis; proposals for GSA SC development as an activation type program; the proposed approaches to the construction of estimates for the impact of GSA SC activation version on the basic indicators of the household sector; estimates of GSA SC economic effects. Conclusions and recommendations. In its current form GSA SC only in certain areas is focused on achieving the main goals of the social contract systems - getting out of poverty and forming permanent sources of income. In a number of areas, GSA SC duplicates the activities provided within the other programs of social assistance to the population. Prospects for improving the GSA SC efficiency in the Russian Federation are associated with its transformation into an activation-type program with economic effects provided when the poor are included in production activities.
Published on 22/09/23
Submitted on 14/09/23
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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