Two of the major international projects concerning hydrogenization of motor transport are in Europe: HyFIVE
“Hydrogen For Innovative Vehicles” and “Hydrogen Mobility Europe” - creating the European visio for
hydrogen transport project – H2ME. The hydrogenization of motor transport is the subject of many
international research projects, e.g. „Clean Hydrogen In European Cities” – CHIC. Of special interest is the
lecture regarding the plans of hydrogenisation of the British road transport prepared with E4tech project. As a
result of verification, under Polish conditions (European Project HIT-2-Corridors), of the original method
developed for determining the initial location of the hydrogen refueling station in Poland, in the precommercial
phase (2020 - 2030), the said location has been indicated along with the order of investment,
taking into account above all the freedom to move around Poland of cars powered by hydrogen visiting
Poland and transiting our country between other EU countries.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
DOIS: 10.5281/zenodo.1485210 10.5281/zenodo.1485211
Published on 01/01/2018
Volume 2018, 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1485210
Licence: Other
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