The EC-funded project Instant Mobility is defining a comprehensive architecture for transport and mobility applications that aim to innovate by introducing future Internet technologies to this domain. A set of core enabling technologies are being developed by other projects in the Future Internet PPP such as FI-WARE, while the transport-domain Instant Mobility project will use these generic enablers where available, and will develop its own enablers where necessary. This paper outlines the decomposition and synthesis approach for defining a rational, non-intuitive architecture that embraces conventional and Future Internet technologies, reflects the insights that have been gained from applying this methodology in the Instant Mobility project and discusses the disadvantages and benefits of the outlined concept.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 31/12/11
Accepted on 31/12/11
Submitted on 31/12/11
Volume 2012, 2012
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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