
Excessive mold development in interior spaces can be the cause of health problems in their users, as well as of a decrease in the comfort of use of internal spaces. The aim of our study was the development of a service that can ensure the long-term elimination of the cause and effects of mold in buildings by using new compositions of materials and finish application techniques. For this purpose, the most mold-resistant variants of construction material compositions and the technology of their application were selected. The study features an analysis of 18 variants of samples taken from climatic boards with various building finishes, which were tested for resistance to three species of mold: A. versicolor, Ch. globosum and P. funiculosum, under different climate and humidity combinations. The results of the study pointed to the most effective anti-mold technology. One comprehensive solution that can improve the conditions of the use of interior spaces is an external wall interior thermal insulation application system that employs silicate and lime sheets.

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Published on 25/09/20
Submitted on 28/09/20

DOI: 10.23967/dbmc.2020.227
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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