The presentation is aimed to cover areas related to modeling of material behaviour using different numerical schemes. Special emphasis is laid on homogenization procedures and multi- scale approaches that include inelastic microstructural deformations and development of inter- face cracks. In detail the inelastic responses of polycrystals is investigated including induced anisotropy and nonlinear hardening. The necessary numerical procedures will be discussed and examples from different areas are introduced.
Included in this presentation is the design of macroscopic constitutive equations with only few parameters that are obtained from homogenization of polycrystal assemblies. The results are validated at micro and macro scale by means of experiments. These include as well results from microstructural observation as from classical pullout tests. Typical and important industrial applications range from ceramic to ductile materials.
Location: Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Vertex Building. |
Date: 1 - 3 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain. |
Published on 10/06/16
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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