
Nowadays, many open-source numerical codes are available to solve physical problems in structural mechanics, fluid flow, heat transfer, and neutron diffusion. However, even if these codes are often highly specialized in the numerical simulation of a particular type of physics, none of them allows simulating complex systems involving all the physical problems mentioned above. In this work we present a numerical framework, based on the SALOME platform, developed to perform multiscale and multiphysics simulations involving all the mentioned physical problems. In particular, the developed numerical platform includes the multigrid finite element in-house code FEMuS for heat transfer, fluid flow, turbulence and fluid-structure modeling; the open-source finite volume CFD software OpenFOAM; the multiscale neutronic code DONJON-DRAGON; and a system-scale code used for thermal-hydraulic simulations. Efficient data exchange among these codes is performed within computer memory by using the MED libraries, provided by the SALOME platform.

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Published on 11/07/21
Submitted on 11/07/21

Volume IS15 - Coupling Strategies in Multi-Physics Codes, 2021
DOI: 10.23967/coupled.2021.027
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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