
International audience; This paper presents a coordination mechanism for smart homes in community microgrids (smart neighborhoods) whether photovoltaics (PV), home battery storage and electric vehicles (EV) are available. The objective of the proposed method is to reduce the electricity cost of the users, as well as the aggregated peak load of the area by establishing an energy sharing ability among neighbors. A decentralized control algorithm deployed by the smart homes is used for battery control and appliance scheduling. It is assumed that the users are the owners of these resources and that they are selfish decision-makers who focus on increasing own benefit. For the neighborhood, a dynamic price model is used, where the price is associated to the aggregated consumption of the neighborhood area. Numerical results show that proposed coordination mechanism with energy sharing provides benefits for both the users and the utility.

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Published on 01/01/2017

Volume 2017, 2017
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license

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