Resilient flooring is a popular choice in healthcare facilities, given its durability, comfort, low maintenance and cost. However, anomalies that occur in vinyl and linoleum floorings (VLF) often do not fulfil the expectations of a flooring with good performance and durability. In fact, studies show that pathological phenomena in VLF occur more often in the first years in service, indicating a probable connection with the design and execution stages. These stages are crucial to the quality of VLF, since, if not given adequate attention, pathological symptoms are likely to increase, hence decreasing service life.The authors developed an inspection, diagnosis and rehabilitation system for VLF in healthcare facilities, including: the classification of anomalies, their probable causes, in situ diagnosis methods and repair techniques; anomalies - causes, inter-anomalies, anomalies - diagnosis methods, and anomalies - repair techniques correlation matrices. The same system was validated through the visual inspection of 101 compartments in six health infrastructures in Lisbon, Portugal, and the respective descriptive statistics analysis of the collected data. That analysis showed, for instance, that the summed contribution of "design errors" and "execution errors" to "faulty welding joints" was 59%. Making an effort to change the situation diagnosed in the mentioned inspection sample, some design and application stages‘ recommendations are highlighted, according to the main sensitive issues of the flooring system during its service life. The sensitiveness of VLF highlights the importance of a suitable maintenance plan to minimise susceptibility to various degradation mechanisms.
Published on 25/09/20
Submitted on 16/09/20
DOI: 10.23967/dbmc.2020.149
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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