This study analyzes the repercussions and treatment of the production of the Valencian poet, Vicent Andrés Estellés during exile. It takes as a starting oint different moments and texts both from the post-war period and the sixties and the beginning of the eighties –especially during 1956, a seminal year in the evolution of the author. On the one hand, I have carried out an analysis of intertextual relations with Carles Riba with regard to the referent “Súnion” and its appearance in the Llibre de meravelles. On the other, I have recuperated and made detail comments on the unpublished original version of the manuscript of «L’exiliat» from the end of 1956, in the book of poems Llibre d’exilis, which has been analyzed in great detail vis-à-vis its characteristic subject matter and poetic attitude. Finally, I have attempted to analyze the impact of these writings using the fictional strategies that appear in the works of the poet on the subject of exiled writers, entitled Cercles del Russafí and Exili d’Ovidi.
Published on 31/03/04
Accepted on 31/03/04
Submitted on 31/03/04
Volume 19, Issue 1, 2004
DOI: 10.7203/caplletra.36.4897
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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