The RPAS have become the new airspace users, which introduces a significant change into the ATM world. In order to support this change, the RPAS integration should be done by simulating real scenarios with the aim to maintain the same safety level like before their integration. Initiatives like Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) bring to the table all the necessary data to enable complete and accurate trajectory predictions by means of creating Aircraft Performance Models (APM). This project is focused on the modelling and consequently APM creation of two RPAS. Along it, the process followed and the results obtained are ex- plained, considering the lack of available data. Furthermore, a trajectory predictor (BTP) has been performed allowing all kind of trajectories simulations and the obtaining of impor- tant parameters such as altitude, thrust, fuel,etc. It is necessary to remark that the BTP has played an important role in the validation of the models created. On the one hand, many conclusions have been obtained in the end of the process, letting the demonstration that the APMs created show acceptable errors in comparison to the NASA real telemetry. On the other hand, the BTP fulfils the error limits in comparison to the EUROCONTROL TP, ensuring accurate and reliable results.
The different versions of the original document can be found in:
Published on 01/01/2015
Volume 2015, 2015
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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