The increasing complexity of the Air Traffic System is pushing toward the development of innovative and more automated tools conceived to manage it. In this scenario an important role is played by HCI (Human Computer Interfaces) used by air traffic controllers and operators to visualize and interact with air traffic data. Currently, information about 3D scenery is displayed with a two-dimensional representation. This paper presents the design, development and evaluation of an innovative interface for ATC (Air Traffic Control) based on a 4D (3D space + time) visualization display. The proposed interface allows the operator to perceive all the information, including meteorological conditions, that is useful for TWR/APP (ToWeR/APProach) control in a unique 4D synthetic reconstruction of the airport area. Particular attention is dedicated to the fourth variable, time, which is a fundamental parameter in ATC. A simple and fast trajectory prediction algorithm has been implemented in order to provide the operator with an effective “user assistance” tool in conflict detection activities. The interface has been evaluated by performing test simulations and surveys were used to collect results and useful advice for its future development.
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Published on 01/01/2010
Volume 2010, 2010
DOI: 10.1243/09544100jaero626
Licence: Other
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