
International audience; The paper presents empirical research on the quality of the toponyms that can be retrieved from OpenStreetMap (OSM) under the purpose of enriching authoritative toponymic databases and gazetteers. An analysis on the volatility of places and points-of-interest (POIs) is presented. We examine how named features behave and change in terms of type, name and location. The challenge is to understand the behavior and consequently the fitness-for-purpose of OSM data when it comes to a possible use and integration with authoritative datasets. We show that, depending on the OSM feature type, the volatility can vary considerably and we elucidate which feature types are consistent, and thus could be used in authoritative gazetteers despite their grassroots nature and if there are spatial patterns behind the location changes of features during their lifespan.

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Published on 01/01/2016

Volume 2016, 2016
DOI: 10.5334/bax.h
Licence: Other

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