In this paper, conserving time‐stepping algorithms for frictionless and full stick friction dynamic contact problems are presented. Time integration algorithms for frictionless and full stick friction dynamic contact problems have been designed to preserve the conservation of key discrete properties satisfied at the continuum level. Energy and energy‐momentum–preserving algorithms for frictionless and full stick friction dynamic contact problems, respectively, have been designed and implemented within the framework of the direct elimination method, avoiding the drawbacks linked to the use of penalty‐based or Lagrange multipliers methods. An assessment of the performance of the resulting formulation is shown in a number of selected and representative numerical examples, under full stick friction and slip frictionless contact conditions. Conservation of key discrete properties exhibited by the time‐stepping algorithm is shown.
Published on 01/01/2017
DOI: 10.1002/nme.5693
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license