This report explored the key barriers to the provision of thesesharing economy mobility services to highlight the actions thatcan be taken by policy makers and other organisations tosupport their availability. The study involved two stages: aliterature review investigating the current state of knowledgeboth domestically and internationally; and in-depth interviewswith experts from organisations such as service providers,lobby groups and policymakers. The objective was to learntheir perceptions on shared mobility service provision barriersand expected developments on increasing the use of sharedmobility services.The analysis found that the Australia cities have similar sharedmobility issues that are evident in other places around theworld, for example, the paucity of suitable parkingspaces/numbers and locations for shared mobility facilities,and the need for smart technology that elicits information formeeting travel demands.The study found a number of barriers relating to the notalways smooth interaction between policy makers andcommercial enterprises, suggesting opportunities for newcooperative business models, joint partnerships and sharedresponsibilities in the provision of shared mobility services.In particular, the lack of acknowledgement in accepting sharedmobility services as merit goods, in the same way as otherpublic transport services, prevented shared mobility frombeing supported by the government policy intervention. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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Published on 01/01/2019
Volume 2019, 2019
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA license
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