Started: 2011-06-01 - Finished: 2016-01-01
Large aspect ratio wing design platformIncluding parametric modeling, aerodynamic elastic analysis, flutter analysis, aerodynamic shape design, structural health monitoring and optimization design.I worked on strcutural health monitoring.
Started: 2009-03-01 - Finished: 2010-10-01
High precision analysis of Doubly-curved structure of compositesIncluding the material subroutine stress correction method and development of new kind of finite element .
No teaching info
Started: 2011-09-01 - Currently studying.
Started: 2008-09-01 - Finished: 2011-09-01
Started: 2004-09-01 - Finished: 2008-09-01
No awards or achievemets info.
No other experience info.