research experience

  • Full Professor and Research Group Leader Mechanical Engineering (Recife - Brazil)

    Started: 1997-03-01 - Currently working.

    High Performance Computing on Computational Mechanics Group (PADMEC)
    Main research areas of interest
    ·         Computational fluid dynamics (compressible and incompressible fluid flow)
    ·         High performance computation (data structure, multigrid, parallel computation)
    ·         Reservoir simulation (alternative advanced formulations, multiscaling)
    ·         Coupled problems (FSI, T-S)
    ·         Bioheat transfer simulation
    ·         Computational modeling (FEM, FVM, meshing, adaption, optimization).

teaching experience

  • Full Professor Mechanical Engineering (Recife - Brazil)

    Started: 1997-03-01 - Currently working.

    Full Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering undergraduate course and Member of the Graduate Program on Civil Engineering and the Graduate Program on Mechanical Engineering.

    Teaching experience (undergraduate and graduate Programs)
    ·         Computational Fluid Dynamics
    ·         Numerical Methods
    ·         Mathematical Methods
    ·         Fluid Mechanics
    ·         Resistance of Materials
    ·         Heat Transfer


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awards & achievements

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other experience

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