25th anniversary edition
During the last decades the study and conservation of historical structures has attained high technological and scientific standards. Today’s practice involves the combination of innovative non-destructive inspection technologies, sophisticated monitoring systems and advanced numerical models for structural analysis. More than ever, it is understood that the studies must be performed by interdisciplinary teams integrating wide expertise (engineering, architecture, history, archeology, geophysics, chemistry…). Moreover, the holistic nature of the studies, and the need to encompass and combine the different scales of the problem –the materials, the structures, the building aggregates, and the territory – arenow increasingly acknowledged. Due to all this, the study of historical structures is still facing very strong challenges that can only be addressed through sound international scientific cooperation.
The SAHC International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions has been created as an international, multidisciplinary forum allowing networking and exchange of knowledge on the aforementioned subjects. The last edition of the conference (SAHC2021), celebrated on September 29-30 and October 1, 2021, included the following topics: (1)history of construction and building technology; (2)inspection methods, non-destructive techniques and laboratory testing; (3) numerical modeling and structural analysis; (4) structural health monitoring; (5) repair and strengthening strategies and techniques; (6)conservation of 20th c. architectural heritage; (7) seismic analysis and retrofit; (8) vulnerability and risk analysis; and (9) interdisciplinary projects and case studies.
This collection includes all the papers presented at SAHC 2021.