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Eugenio Oñate's Journal Papers is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the scientific papers published on i[...]

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Eugenio Oñate's Monographs is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating [...]


Eugenio Oñate's Research Reports is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the research reports written by prof Eugenio Oñate.


This collection is an online archive aimed at collecting, preserving, and disseminating pre-prints, open access papers and other relevant documents published in the field of computational methods in naval architecture and offshore engineering.

Some of the areas covered [...]


PARTICLES 2019 ( will address both the fundamental basis and the applicability of state-of-the-art particle-based computational [...]


The objectives of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2019 ( [...]


The objectives of the XV International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS 2019, [...]



Please note that new submissions after 12 July 2024 shall be submitted through the new submission system by clicking “Submit a Paper” on journal's homepage. Submissions before [...]

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Documents published in Scipedia

  • A. Agüero, F. Pallarés, E. Oñate
    Int. J. Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics (2006). Vol. 7 (3), pp. 209-215

    In this paper the ability of the basic shell triangular (BST) element to perform linearized buckling analysis is evaluated. The results have been compared with analytical [...]

  • C. Recarey Morfa, E. Oñate, J. Canet, J. Rojek, F. Zarate, S. Burrel
    Ingeniería Civil (2006). Vol. 141, pp. 19-34

    Se presenta un modelo numérico que emplea elementos discretos esféricos o también denominados elementos distintos. Este modelo se aplica en la simulación [...]

  • Col·lecció Aula de Ciència i Cultura (2002). Nº 13, pp. 9-33

    Se presentan en el artículo las ideas básicas de qué son los métodos numéricos, cuáles son los métodos numéricos más [...]

  • International Journal of Plasticity (2001). Vol. 17 (11), pp. 1437-1463

    In this work a generalized anisotropic model in large strains based on the classical isotropic plasticity theory is presented. The anisotropic theory is based on the concept [...]

  • M. López-Rodríguez, J. García-Espinosa, E. Oñate
    Ingeniería Naval (2001). Vol. 784, pp. 122-130

    En la actualidad las más avanzadas técnicas para diseño naval ya no se restringen sólo a proyectos de alto coste; si no que también ahora [...]

  • B. Suarez, E. Blanco, L. Gil, P. Zapata, E. Oñate
    European Journal of Engineering Education (1998). Vol. 23 (2), pp. 243-254

    In this paper, a methodology for computer-aided training of structural problems by the finite element method is presented. The resulting educational program, named ED-Elas2D, [...]

  • Journal of Physique IV (1993). Vol. 3 (C7), pp. 1171-1180

    This paper summarizes the recent work of the authors in the numerical simulation of casting processes. In particular, a coupled thermomechanical model to simulate the solidification [...]

  • J. Oliver, E. Oñate, J. Peraire, R. Chueca
    Hormigón y Acero (1985). Vol. 155, pp. 99-123

  • J. Middleton, E. Oñate
    ETSIIT (1977). Vol. 11, pp. 309-325

    Se presenta un esquema de diseño para vasijas de presión metálicas de manera que se minimice la tensión tangencial en la vasija . La geometría [...]



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